The Joneses from Georgia

The Joneses from Georgia
Christmas, 2009

Monday, January 11, 2010

If Simon leaves Idol, who will we hate?

OK..I admit it. I am an Idol Watcher, a Simon Cowell fan, and I nearly cried when Paula hung up her dancing shoes and vacated the judges' desk this season. The team is fallin' apart, fellow Idol Worshippers!!

I didn't watch American Idol the first season. My sister talked about it and so the next season, I watched it and was hooked! My favorite winner overall has to be Carrie Underwood. What a package deal...the voice, the looks, and she even reeks sugar and spice and everything nice!

I don't agree with the winners every year either. Adam Lambert should have won last season if everyone calling in had been voting for the kid with the most talent. He had it hands down. I can't help but think people with their homophobias wouldn't vote for him.

I can't wait for the new season to start tomorrow night! I'm really looking forward to Ellen DeGeneres joining the team! I may have to eat my words but I think she will be a fantastic addition to this team of judges.

Simon Cowell....please don't leave us!! LOL

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