The Joneses from Georgia

The Joneses from Georgia
Christmas, 2009

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Southern Snow ...a rarity...thankfully!

It snowed in Georgia! Not since the Great Blizzard of '93 has snow been on my sidewalk the third day and still counting.

We are plain ridiculous when talk first begins about the possibility of snow. We'll talk about it for days with the same excitement that children have about Santa. Then, if it finally happens, we are mesmerized by the tiniest of flakes when it starts falling from the sky. Even the news stations have cameras searching the pavement, hoods of cars, grass, and bushes for anything that remotely resembles a snowflake to show to their Southern audiences. It's really quite hilarious!

There is a slight problem when it snows in the deep South. We are not set up for the white stuff! We have our basements and emergency shelters for tornadoes, air conditioners for the hot summer heat waves, our sunscreen and tanning oils, swimming pools galore, but snow plows and all the other equipment you see up north, not at all! So when it snows, life comes to a standstill as it just did this past week in West Georgia and East Alabama and a few other Southernly spots.

For most of us folks in the hot South, we enjoy snow for a couple of days. Truthfully, once a year would be plenty for most of us. For some, once a decade is enough! Secretly, we talk among ourselves after a few days and just can't believe our neighbors North of us would want to live all winter dealing with snow! After a couple of days, we are ready for it to go! Mainly, we can't stand the cold air and ridiculously low temperatures that goes along with having snow. Most of us don't even own a heavy winter coat! We shiver in our shorts and sandals when it gets below 40 degrees!

Tomorrow will be the fourth day with snow on the ground....goodbye already!!! I'm so looking forward to 50 degree temps again on Wednesday! Someone remind me how cold it has to be when I start wishing for snow!

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